The Best DIY Platform for Building Author & Publisher Websites

Special Offer

Pub Site is the new easy-to-use website builder designed specifically for books and authors. It supports books, social media sites, author tours, blogging, online bookseller links, and even ecommerce! You can sign up for a 14-day free trial with no credit card required.



The normal price is $19.99 so you will be charged only $14.99 for the first year, a savings of $60 for the year!

We also offer a low-cost website setup service.

*Please use this button/link below to get the discount:

More about Pub Site:

Choose from professional designs

Choose from our ever expanding choice of professional designs. Each one comes in multiple color schemes to choose from, and you can further customize it using the design editor. These designs were created by professional Pub Site designers and you'll have access to any new ones as they become available. View our website portfolio to see some of the designs created using Pub Site.

Customize Your Design and Layout

Every design can be customized without any HTML/CSS knowledge using our simple web-based design editor. Quickly change your logo/banner, fonts, and colors to create a truly custom looking site. Use the "Magic Slider" to change your color scheme. Choose from a variety of page layouts. You can even edit the CSS if you want.

Simple setup and easy updating

Once you select and customize your design, our pre-set forms make creating, adding, and editing content a breeze! No coding or HTML necessary to create a stunning, professional website with all the features you want. You can add and edit books using MS Word-like forms, including title, subtitle, description, ISBN, bookseller links, social media links and more. Easily add book covers and photos, and even video.

Start Blogging! Pub Site includes a built-in blog

Just start writing into MS Word-like forms. It's as easy as that! An excerpt page with the first paragraph will be created automatically with a link to a separate page for each blog. You can also have your recents posts listed in the side column. Set up blog categories, and even import your WordPress blogs.

Streamlined and affordable pricing

Our all-in-one package is just $19.99 a month and includes all of our current and future releases and features, including an ecommerce solution, and book-specific features. It also includes industry leading website hosting.

Cutting edge technology and more

More than just a website, Pub Site has a custom backend database that supports industry standard information such as ISBNs, titles & subtitles, bindings, and more. Whether you publish one book, or twenty, are a writer or publisher, Pub Site can scale to your needs.

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